Missus Est Angelus Gabriel
A special chant from the Salisbury processional (15th Century), used during Advent. It tells the Annunciation story in words taken from the Gospels

John's popular experience days, SING GREGORIAN CHANT, are a chance to experience Gregorian chant in a friendly, entertaining, informative and enjoyable context. All are welcome: singers and non-singers, beginners as well as with experienced singers; and also for those with interests in the history of music, theology, meditation, and cultural history.

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The day is structured around the traditional Benedictine monastic hour services recited mainly in English and works toward an informal performance of a meditative sequence of chant which includes some of the rich heritage of Latin chant.

Descendit De Celis
15th Century Salisbury processional chant, Descendit De Celis, the Respond from the night office is the main sung item on the outward journey.

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John Rowlands-Pritchard worked as a professional singer in the cathedral choirs of Ely and of Wells.

He sang as an oratorio soloist; and founded the group Opus Anglicanum, 5 singers and a reader.

He studied mediaeval song with Professor John Stevens and early Gregorian chant with Dr. Mary Berry at Cambridge, illustrating lectures and broadcast talks for both. Experience as a Cantor with the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge included recital work and recording in many European cathedrals and abbeys, and in the Vatican.

He has directed Chant Days for university music departments, cathedral choirs, music festivals, adult education colleges, and is an Associate of the Royal School of Church Music for his work teaching the chant.

He has more recently worked for Glastonbury Abbey, Worcester Three Choirs Festival, Benslow Music, Sarum College, Two Moors Festival, with the Benedictine monks of Silverstream Priory, Co.Meath, Ireland, for Dorchester Arts, and Ledbury Poetry Festival. He prepared the Revised Edition of Mary Berry’s ‘Plainchant for Everyone’ (RSCM) for which he compiled a new Anthology of Chant.

Letabundus & Ecce Completa Sunt Omnia
13th Century Salisbury Antiphoner, Letabundus was sung at Vespers for Mary at the Purification (2nd February). Ecce Completa Sunt Omnia is the short concluding chant from the morning service of Lauds on Christmas Day.